Friday, September 30, 2011

Egyptian Statue Progress [WIP]

This is all WIP of course. I am done UV'ing the statue and I am now on the texturing stage of this project.

Once I was happy with my body sculpt I went ahead and did some concept art on how i should proceed, which helped a lot... having concept art for your piece speeds up your work tenfold. The statue on the right is a concept paint-over of the high-res sculpt. The statue on the left is how it's looking so far in zbrush.

Lots of work to juggle right now so i am having less and less time to spend on this.


  1. Holy Fak, dude:

    This is great! However, if you don't mind my crit, I feel his head should definitely be turned towards where he's pointing. Otherwise he looks like he's telling a dog to go sit in the corner. Really friggen great, though.

  2. The deltoid area of the arms are a little too thick. The miniskirt should be longer. The headpeice should reach down to the shoulder, and the beard should be more center on the face.

    Just some suggestions, otherwise it looks good.

  3. By all means crit away, it is all a work in progress after all.
    Leaving the head static as it is was actually a deliberate choice. In ancient Egypt you only see heads looking forward, there was never even a slight tilt to the head like i have here. The statues were very static, which i wanted to portray here.

    As for the arm area, I will have to update my work in progress but that's an area i've been adjusting a lot because they are/were too thick.
    As for the headpiece, yeah i will for sure fix all of that on my final mesh, all of that was mostly place-holder.

    Thanks for the crits guys
